This input fuzzy search or autocompletes search results. The data comes from JSON file of fruits in this repo src/constants/fruits.JSON
Download dependencies
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
To run unit tests
- It must be built in React; feel free to use a styling solution of your choice
- Upon typing, the widget fuzzy-matches case-insensitively against the list at the end of this document and presents list items that contain the matched characters as suggestions
- Clicking an autocomplete suggestion should fill in the input with the full text
- Using the up and down arrow keys should allow the user to highlight a desired suggestion and press Enter to select it, filling in the input
- The input should be a valid HTML text input element to be used in a standard HTML form setup
- The user should be able to proceed without choosing one of the suggestions (non-exclusive)
- The widget match suggestions should appear below the text input as a floating container
- The floating suggestion area should become scrollable when there are many suggestions
- The matched portion of the suggestion should be highlighted in some way
this is the result of developing a fuzzy search input in a 3 hour code sprint. If I had more time I would have made more integration tests to assert the flow of keypress and UI validation, as well as give the styling some more TLC to really make it ✨sparkle✨. I decided to use useEventListener hook as dependable interface handle key events.