Current versions of the ELTeC schema in RELAX NG are maintained in this repository, either for download to your local system, or directly via HTTP.
To check whether a text is valid against an ELTeC schema in oXygen, insert PIs like the following at the start of the document:
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml"
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml"
or, if you have downloaded this repository to a location on your system:
<?xml-model href="/path/to/eltec-1.rng" type="application/xml"
<?xml-model href="/path/to/eltec-1.rng" type="application/xml"
The RELAXNG schema contains embedded schematron rules, which oXygen (and other validators) will apply during validation
For complete documentation of each schema, please read:
- (level 0)
- (level 1)
- (level 2)
A copy of this documentation is also available in this repository in the folder Doc
The schemas and their documentation are produced by processing a TEI-conformant ODD specification, which
is also available from this repository, in the folder ODD
The shell script rebuild
in the ODD directory rebuilds all the schemas and documentation. It requires a local installation of the TEI Stylesheets, and references a local copy of the TEI ODD sources distributed as p5subset.xml
The ELTeC schemas are built incrementally. First we compile eltec.xml
into eltec-library.xml
: this library contains declarations for every element used by any of the more specific ELTeC schemas (eltec-0, eltec-1, eltec-2, eltec-x, eltec-repo). The ODD for each of these more specific schemas uses the eltec-library.xml declarations as its base for further selection or modification. The reference to p5subset.xml is still required however. See further
In addition to the three schemas listed above, this repo includes
an experimental schema for ELTeC collections with a broader time coverageeltec-repo
an experimental schema for validating an entire ELTeC collection as a single TEI corpus.
Lou Burnard, April 2021