This Plugin extends the core nopCommerce Message Template Engine with Razor-Support (by RazorEngine).
Extend any nopCommerce Message Template with the full power of Razor. It works as a Post-Processor of the Token-Engine, so nothing must be changed. Token will continue to work.
Example of "OrderPlaced.CustomerNotification"
Hello %Order.CustomerFullName%,
Thanks for buying from %Store.Name%. Below is the summary of the order.
if (Model.Order.PaymentMethodSystemName == "Payments.CheckMoneyOrder")
<text>We will send you an Invoice ...</text>
else if (Model.Order.PaymentMethodSystemName == "Payments.PayPalStandard")
<text>You ordered with PayPal. ToDo: Add payment notes here</text>
Order Number: %Order.OrderNumber%
@if (Nop.Core.Domain.Customers.CustomerExtensions.IsInCustomerRole(Model.Customer, "Registered"))
Thanks for your Registration.
Any Message Template has the related Objects available in the Model. E.g. Model.Order, Model.Customer, Model.Vendor etc. Works with Subject and Body.
Disable TinyMCE Editor for Message Templates by adapting "/Administration/Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/RichEditor.cshtml"
if (document.location.pathname.match(/Admin\/MessageTemplate\/Edit/)) return;
Template | Available Objects/Properties in @Model. | Notes |
Blog.BlogComment | Store, BlogComment | |
Customer.BackInStock | Store, Customer, BackInStockSubscription | |
Customer.EmailValidationMessage | Store, Customer | |
Customer.NewOrderNote | Store, OrderNote, Order, Customer | |
Customer.NewPM | Store, PrivateMessage | |
Customer.PasswordRecovery | Store, Customer | |
Customer.WelcomeMessage | Store, Customer | |
Forums.NewForumPost | Store, Customer, ForumPost, ForumTopic, Forum | |
Forums.NewForumTopic | Store, ForumTopic, Forum | |
GiftCard.Notification | Store, GiftCard | |
NewCustomer.Notification | Store, Customer | |
NewReturnRequest.StoreOwnerNotification | Store, Customer, ReturnRequest, OrderItem | |
News.NewsComment | Store, NewsComment | |
NewsLetterSubscription.ActivationMessage | Store, Subscription | |
NewsLetterSubscription.DeactivationMessage | Store, Subscription | |
NewVATSubmitted.StoreOwnerNotification | Store, Customer, VatName, VatAddress | |
OrderCancelled.CustomerNotification | Store, Order, Customer | |
OrderCompleted.CustomerNotification | Store, Order, Customer | |
OrderPaid.CustomerNotification | Store, Order, Customer | Additional Message Template in 3.40 |
OrderPaid.StoreOwnerNotification | Store, Order, Customer | |
OrderPlaced.CustomerNotification | Store, Order, Customer | |
OrderPlaced.StoreOwnerNotification | Store, Order, Customer | |
OrderPlaced.VendorNotification | Store, Order, Customer, Vendor | |
OrderRefunded.CustomerNotification | Store, Order, Customer, RefundedAmount | |
OrderRefunded.StoreOwnerNotification | Store, Order, Customer, RefundedAmount | |
Product.ProductReview | Store, ProductReview | |
QuantityBelow.StoreOwnerNotification | Store, Product | |
RecurringPaymentCancelled.StoreOwnerNotification | Store, Order, Customer, RecurringPayment | |
ReturnRequestStatusChanged.CustomerNotification | Store, Customer, ReturnRequest, OrderItem | |
Service.EmailAFriend | Store, Customer, Product, PersonalMessage, CustomerEmail | |
ShipmentDelivered.CustomerNotification | Store, Shipment, Order, Customer | |
ShipmentSent.CustomerNotification | Store, Shipment, Order, Customer | |
VendorAccountApply.StoreOwnerNotification | Store, Customer, Vendor | |
VendorInformationChange.StoreOwnerNotification | Store, Vendor | |
Wishlist.EmailAFriend | Store, Customer, PersonalMessage, CustomerEmail |
For the Domain Models of Customer, Store, Product, OrderItem etc. see the API:
- Download and extract to the Plugins Folder of your Web Application
- Restart the nopCommerce Application
- Install the Plugin on the Admin Site at /Admin/Plugin/List
- Done
- razormessageservice.compiletask.enablelogging - Enable/disable logging when the schedule task runs to compile messages. Default is False. This Setting was added in version 1.41.
- Improved performance with caching of razor-mail-templates. First use of a mail-template might take up to 2 seconds to compile. Afterward no more recompilation is needed. Updating a mail template causes an automatic re-compilation. There's now a schedule task which automatically compiles all active mail-templates for all stores and languages to improve the performance when using a mail template the first time after an application restart.
- Updated to RazorEngine 3.9.3
- Works with nopCommerce 3.80
- Works with nopCommerce 3.80
- Works with nopCommerce 3.70
- Works with nopCommerce 3.50
- "OrderPaid.CustomerNotification" is now sent in the Language the Order was made
- Works with nopCommerce 3.40
- Added new Message Template "OrderPaid.CustomerNotification"
- Works with nopCommerce 3.40
- Works with nopCommerce 3.40
- Errors in a template will result in an unparsed email, but with error-details at the end in the mail-body.
- Change setting "razormessageservice.compiletask.enablelogging" to "true" will log the result of a pre-compilation of all templates. Templates containing errors will be logged as "success: False"