How to setup Bioollect grails 3 in Intellij
In Intellij, click Open and navigate to the biocollect folder then click on Open.
The first time when you open the project, you need to Import Project from Gradle. As the biocollect project comes with Gradle wrapper, keep the default setting and click OK.
Once the project opens, wait for Intellij to configure the build. You should see the following.
Before running biocollect grails 3, make sure that the following properties file exist in /data/biocollect/config/ (or as indicated in application.yml)
Biocollect by default runs on port 8087 in development mode. Modify application.yml or add server.port in properties file if a different port is required. The security.cas.appServerName and server.serverURL as well if needed.
How to modify plugins in a grails 3 project
To modify a plugin project for biocollect, for eg: ala-map-plugin, first git clone ala-map-plugin in the same folder where biocollect is. Checkout branch where latest grails3 code is.
In biocollect project, modify settings.gradle and add the following:
In biocollect project, modify the build.gradle file to set inplace = true, then add the inplace plugin
Make sure dependencies does not include the ala-map-plugin as we have inplace plugin project which is part of the build.
Once the build.gradle is modified, rebuild biocollect project. Once the project has a successful build, you should now see ala-map-plugin project as well.