This repository has been developed in KMP (Kotlin Multiplatform). If you're interested, you can check it out at:
Movie Archive is an open-source project developed by Adnan, leveraging modern technologies to create a robust and efficient movie catalog application. The project utilizes Jetpack Compose for building a reactive user interface, implements MVVM architectural pattern with Clean Architecture principles, organizes the codebase into multiple modules for improved scalability and maintainability, and incorporates various libraries such as Koin, Flow, Coroutine, Ktor, Kotlin Serialization, SQLDelight, and Version Catalog for seamless development and maintenance.
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- Implementation ROOM & HILT :
- Implementation ROOM & KOIN :
- Implementation SQLDelight & KOIN :
Utilizes Jetpack Compose for building a modern and reactive user interface.
Implements MVVM architectural pattern with Clean Architecture principles for better separation of concerns.
Organizes the project into multiple modules for improved scalability and maintainability.
Uses the Navigation Component to handle in-app navigation effectively.
Incorporates Koin for dependency injection to facilitate easier app testing and maintenance.
Leveraging Kotlin's Flow and Coroutine for asynchronous programming and reactive data streams.
Implements Ktor for networking capabilities, making API requests and handling responses.
Utilizes Kotlin Serialization for parsing JSON data.
Implements SQLDelight persistence library for local database management.
Utilizes a version catalog for easy management of library versions and dependencies.
To build and run the Movie Archive app locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository: git clone
Contributions to Movie Archive are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these guidelines:
Fork the repository and create your branch from main. Open an issue to discuss proposed changes or enhancements. Make your contributions following the project's coding conventions.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License.