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Dark.js CodeFactor

Closesly modeled after both Processing.js and ski.js. Dark.js hopes to fix a few technicaly issues with ski.js, be much faster than ProcessingJS, but also add new features that make using Dark.js worth it. This project is currently in development, yet to even have a 1.0 release. I guess just see my long list of to-do's if you're interested.

If you find any glitches or want any featues that haven't already been listed under todo.txt, then either message me on Khan Academy, write in the discussions tab, or open a new issue.

You most likely saw this from Khan Academy, in which case you can see more of what I do on my Profile.

Once this is done, I will probably make a Github Pages site with documentation & other miscellaneous things. If this goes well, I may also purchase a domain name.

And of course, check out the amazing libraries this is based off of.

4500 lines and counting.
Minified: 82.0KB