An application for encrypting/decrypting text with few symmetric/asymmetric crypto algorithms.
- Multi alphabet crypt support (English, Ukraine, Russian);
- Symmetric/Asymmetric mode;
- Decrypt brute force iterator;
- Native Tk GUI.
- Caesar cipher;
- Trithemius cipher (Linear equation/Not linear equation/ slogan);
- Gamma cipher (PRNG based);
- DES (mode CFB);
- Asymmetric cipher (public/private key realization).
To create runnable execute application use next:
pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --name cryptography-gui-app
- Python 3.4 or later
- pycryptodome
- pyinstaller
Anyone is welcome to contribute. If you decide to get involved, please take a moment and check out the following:
The code is available under the MIT license.