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403 lines (311 loc) · 18.6 KB


PMS -> installd -> dex2oat

frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/pm/ performDexOptLI

compile filter


  enum Filter {
    kAssumeVerified,      // Skip verification but mark all classes as verified anyway.
    kVerify,              // Only verify classes.
    kSpaceProfile,        // Maximize space savings based on profile.
    kSpace,               // Maximize space savings.
    kSpeedProfile,        // Maximize runtime performance based on profile.
    kSpeed,               // Maximize runtime performance.
    kEverythingProfile,   // Compile everything capable of being compiled based on profile.
    kEverything,          // Compile everything capable of being compiled.


# dex2oat TAG
# pm TAG
PackageDexOptimizer (Running dexopt ...) (PackageDexOptimizer#dexOptPath)

pm compile

pm compile -f -m speed ${package}

如果不加 -f 可能不会重新编译,判断准则是和已有的 odex 比较

art/runtime/native/ GetDexOptNeeded

此外,debug 包编译不产生 AOT 代码,compile filter 直接被换成 verify

performDexOptLI -> getRealCompilerFilter



一次Art Hook失败问题的跟进 | 醉梦轩

解读 AOT 代码


oatdump --oat-file=$(echo $(apkpath io.github.a13e300.demo)/oat/*/base.odex) --class-filter=NeverCall --method-filter=methodToDecompile
    public static void methodToDecompileA() {
        Log.d("Test", "test");

    public static void methodToDecompileC() {
        Log.w("test", "test");

    public static void methodToDecompileD() {

    public static void methodToDecompileB() {

5: LNeverCall; (offset=0x00008bcc) (type_idx=11) (NotReady) (AllCompiled)
  3: void NeverCall.methodToDecompileA() (dex_method_idx=13)
      0x0000: 1a00 e86e                	| const-string v0, "Test" // string@28392
      0x0002: 1a01 68f3                	| const-string v1, "test" // string@62312
      0x0004: 7120 3d13 1000           	| invoke-static {v0, v1}, int android.util.Log.d(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) // method@4925
      0x0007: 0e00                     	| return-void
    OatMethodOffsets (offset=0x00008be0)
      code_offset: 0x001a52a0 
    OatQuickMethodHeader (offset=0x001a529c)
      vmap_table: (offset=0x0014e794)
        CodeInfo CodeSize:131 FrameSize:48 CoreSpillMask:10028 FpSpillMask:0 NumberOfDexRegisters:2
          StackMap BitSize=44 Rows=4 Bits={Kind=0 PackedNativePc=7 DexPc=3 RegisterMaskIndex=1 StackMaskIndex=0 InlineInfoIndex=0 DexRegisterMaskIndex=0 DexRegisterMapIndex=0}
          RegisterMask BitSize=6 Rows=1 Bits={Value=3 Shift=3}
      frame_size_in_bytes: 48
      core_spill_mask: 0x00010028 (r3, r5, r16)
      fp_spill_mask: 0x00000000 
      	locals: v0[sp + #12] v1[sp + #16]
      	method*: v2[sp + #0]
      	outs: v0[sp + #8] v1[sp + #12]
    CODE: (code_offset=0x001a52a0 size=131)...
      0x001a52a0:       4885842400E0FFFF    	       testq rax, [rsp + -8192]
        StackMap[0] (native_pc=0x1a52a8, dex_pc=0x0, register_mask=0x0, stack_mask=0b)
      0x001a52a8:                     55    	       push rbp
      0x001a52a9:                     53    	       push rbx
      0x001a52aa:               4883EC18    	       subq rsp, 24
      0x001a52ae:               48893C24    	       movq [rsp], rdi
      0x001a52b2: 65F704250000000007000000    	       test gs:[0], 7  ; state_and_flags
      0x001a52be:           0F8539000000    	       jnz/ne +57 (0x001a52fd)
      0x001a52c4:           8B35E6E2C400    	       mov esi, [RIP + 0xc4e2e6]
      0x001a52ca:     65833C251806000000    	       cmp gs:[1560], 0  ; pReadBarrierMarkReg06
      0x001a52d3:           0F852E000000    	       jnz/ne +46 (0x001a5307)
      0x001a52d9:                   85F6    	       test esi, esi
      0x001a52db:           0F8430000000    	       jz/eq +48 (0x001a5311)
      0x001a52e1:           8B15491EC200    	       mov edx, [RIP + 0xc21e49]
      0x001a52e7:                 4889F3    	       movq rbx, rsi
      0x001a52ea:                 4889D5    	       movq rbp, rdx
      0x001a52ed:           8B3D613AC200    	       mov edi, [RIP + 0xc23a61]
      0x001a52f3:                 FF5718    	       call [rdi + 24]
        StackMap[1] (native_pc=0x1a52f6, dex_pc=0x4, register_mask=0x28, stack_mask=0b)
      0x001a52f6:               4883C418    	       addq rsp, 24
      0x001a52fa:                     5B    	       pop rbx
      0x001a52fb:                     5D    	       pop rbp
      0x001a52fc:                     C3    	       ret 
      0x001a52fd:       65FF1425F8040000    	       call gs:[1272]  ; pTestSuspend
        StackMap[2] (native_pc=0x1a5305, dex_pc=0x0, register_mask=0x0, stack_mask=0b)
      0x001a5305:                   EBBD    	       jmp -67 (0x001a52c4)
      0x001a5307:       65FF142518060000    	       call gs:[1560]  ; pReadBarrierMarkReg06
      0x001a530f:                   EBC8    	       jmp -56 (0x001a52d9)
      0x001a5311:             B8E86E0000    	       mov eax, 28392
      0x001a5316:       65FF142558020000    	       call gs:[600]  ; pResolveString
        StackMap[3] (native_pc=0x1a531e, dex_pc=0x0, register_mask=0x0, stack_mask=0b)
      0x001a531e:                 4889C6    	       movq rsi, rax
      0x001a5321:                   EBBE    	       jmp -66 (0x001a52e1)

此处 offset 都是从 oat 文件开始的地方的偏移,即相对 oatdata 的偏移,可以检查一下上面反汇编的代码和实际位置的代码是否一致:

$ readelf -s base.odex -W

Symbol table '.dynsym' contains 12 entries:
   Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     0: 0000000000000000     0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT  UND
     1: 0000000000001000 0x1a5000 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT    1 oatdata
     2: 00000000001a6000     0 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT    2 oatexec

$ dd if=base.odex skip=$((0x1a52a0+0x1000)) count=16 bs=1c | xxd
00000000: 4885 8424 00e0 ffff 5553 4883 ec18 4889  H..$....USH...H.

这里应该就是调用 Log.d 的代码了,rdi 最终应该是一个 ArtMethod 地址,而 rdi + 24 就是 callee 的 aot 代码地址

      0x001a52ed:           8B3D613AC200    	       mov edi, [RIP + 0xc23a61]
      0x001a52f3:                 FF5718    	       call [rdi + 24]

0x001a52f3 + 0xc23a61 + 0x1000 = 0xdc9d54 ,属于

  [ 3] PROGBITS         0000000000dc6000  00dc6000
       0000000000003e68  0000000000000000   A       0     0     4096
     4: 0000000000dc6000 15976 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT    3 oatdatabimgrelro
     5: 0000000000dc9e64     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT    3 oatdatabimgrelrolastword;l=434;drc=eddde90070822d22d47fa15cd4ee3f0fbae1324e

  // Map for allocating entries. Indexed by the boot image offset of the
  // relocation. The value is the assigned offset within the section.
  SafeMap<uint32_t, size_t> data_bimg_rel_ro_entries_;;l=3077;drc=eddde90070822d22d47fa15cd4ee3f0fbae1324e

这是一个 uint32 数组

运行中进程 Log.d ArtMethod 地址 1899166776 = 0x7132fc38 ,base.odex 基地址如下

7d316762d000-7d31677d3000 r--p 00000000 fe:21 49173                      /data/app/~~nxu8GrCHv1E0tvaK3CEl3Q==/io.github.a13e300.demo-T3m8kVyeLViPwaPqbcWelw==/oat/x86_64/base.odex
# 0x001a52f3 + 0xc23a61 + 0x1000 + 0x7d316762d000
emu64xa:/data/local/tmp # dd if=/proc/$(pidof io.github.a13e300.demo)/mem skip=137651155856724 bs=1c count=16|xxd
16+0 records in
16+0 records out
16 bytes (16 B) copied, 0.000119 s, 131 K/s
00000000: 38fc 3271 58fc 3271 78fc 3271 98fc 3271  8.2qX.2qx.2q..2q

可见该偏移的位置就是 ArtMethod 地址,不过直接从文件读取似乎并不正确:

# 0x001a52f3 + 0xc23a61 + 0x1000
$ dd if=base.odex skip=$((0xdc9d54)) count=16 bs=1c | xxd
00000000: 38cc 2001 58cc 2001 78cc 2001 98cc 2001  8. .X. .x. ... .

Log.d ArtMethod 地址属于下面这个内存区域:

70911000-71520000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                                  [anon:dalvik-/system/framework/]

这个地址不像一般的内存区域,只有 32 位,而 oatdatabimgrelro 也是一个 32 位数组,可能是特意设计成这样的

文件中原本的地址是 0x0120cc38 ,注意到 0x7132fc38 - 0x70123000 = 0x0120cc38 ,因此我们就知道,这里存的是相对 的地址,在加载的时候被修正,加上了 的基地址。


      0x0000: 7100 ebc9 0000           	| invoke-static {}, void io.github.a13e300.demo.App.method() // method@51691
      0x001a53a2:         488B3D2FE0C300    	       movq rdi, [RIP + 0xc3e02f]
      0x001a53a9:                 FF5718    	       call [rdi + 24]

0xc3e02f + 0x001a53a9 + 0x1000 = de43d8 ,位于 bss 中,这是一个无数据的节

  dca000 - df73b0
  [ 4] .bss              NOBITS          0000000000dca000 000000 02d3b0 00   A  0   0 4096

被调用方法的地址 137652628902216

emu64xa:/data/local/tmp # addrmap 137652628902216 $(pidof io.github.a13e300.demo)
7d31c00a5000-7d31c00e5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          [anon:dalvik-LinearAlloc]

内存中该位置地址 0xc3e02f + 0x001a53a9 + 0x1000 + 0x7d316762d000 = 137651155964888 ,实际的值却并不是上面的 ArtMethod 地址,不过周围的地址看起来像是。

emu64xa:/data/local/tmp # dd if=/proc/$(pidof io.github.a13e300.demo)/mem skip=137651155964888 bs=1c count=16|xxd
16+0 records in
16+0 records out
16 bytes (16 B) copied, 0.000658 s, 24 K/s
00000000: 009b 3970 0000 0000 6851 0cc0 317d 0000  ..9p....hQ..1}..

这个地址 0x70399b00 同样指向

emu64xa:/data/local/tmp # addrmap 0x70399b00 $(pidof io.github.a13e300.demo)
70123000-703b1000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                                  [anon:dalvik-/system/framework/]

可以发现,AOT 代码中调用方法需要引用 bss 节的地址,里面存储的应该是一个 ArtMethod 地址。下面分析一下 oat 中的 bss :

bss 段实际上是全 0 的,因此在文件中没有实际分配。在加载 odex 的时候,内存区域是一个匿名映射 [anon:bss]

bss 节有两个符号 oatbssmethods 和 oatbssroots 。

OatFileBase::ComputeFields 获取了这两个符号,记录到 OatFile 结构中;l=374;drc=ac8d1d4155472f632356ae8e72ebe9bc68b68ff2

OatFile::InitializeRelocations() 初始化了 bss methods 数组,将所有 ArtMethod 指向 ResoutionMethod;l=2549;drc=ac8d1d4155472f632356ae8e72ebe9bc68b68ff2

  // Initialize the .bss section.
  // TODO: Pre-initialize from boot/app image?
  ArtMethod* resolution_method = Runtime::Current()->GetResolutionMethod();
  for (ArtMethod*& entry : GetBssMethods()) {
    entry = resolution_method;

OatFileBase::Setup 中,还要读取一系列 bss mappings ,这些数据位于 oatdata 中,与 Oat 中的 DexFile 有关,每个 OatDexFile 都有各自的 bss mappings ,最终都会被记录到 OatDexFile 结构体中。;l=1017;drc=e423e35dbd0915e19b8938bc6440955cda70caf9

    const IndexBssMapping* method_bss_mapping;
    const IndexBssMapping* type_bss_mapping;
    const IndexBssMapping* public_type_bss_mapping;
    const IndexBssMapping* package_type_bss_mapping;
    const IndexBssMapping* string_bss_mapping;
    auto read_index_bss_mapping = [&](const char* tag, /*out*/const IndexBssMapping** mapping) {
      return ReadIndexBssMapping(this, &oat, i, dex_file_location, tag, mapping, error_msg);
    if (!read_index_bss_mapping("method", &method_bss_mapping) ||
        !read_index_bss_mapping("type", &type_bss_mapping) ||
        !read_index_bss_mapping("public type", &public_type_bss_mapping) ||
        !read_index_bss_mapping("package type", &package_type_bss_mapping) ||
        !read_index_bss_mapping("string", &string_bss_mapping)) {
      return false;

这个 mapping 实际上就是 LengthPrefixedArray ,即长度前缀的数组。其中的元素是 IndexBssMappingEntry

// art/runtime/index_bss_mapping.h
using IndexBssMapping = LengthPrefixedArray<IndexBssMappingEntry>;

// IndexBssMappingEntry describes a mapping of one or more indexes to their offsets in the .bss.
// A sorted array of IndexBssMappingEntry is used to describe the mapping of method indexes,
// type indexes or string indexes to offsets of their assigned slots in the .bss.
// The highest index and a mask are stored in a single `uint32_t index_and_mask` and the split
// between the index and the mask is provided externally. The "mask" bits specify whether some
// of the previous indexes are mapped to immediately preceding slots. This is permissible only
// if the slots are consecutive and in the same order as indexes.
// The .bss offset of the slot associated with the highest index is stored in plain form as
// `bss_offset`. If the mask specifies any smaller indexes being mapped to immediately
// preceding slots, their offsets are calculated using an externally supplied size of the slot.
struct IndexBssMappingEntry {
  uint32_t index_and_mask;
  uint32_t bss_offset;

前面提到 bss methods 一开始指向的都是 resolution method ,首次调用会解析方法并调用 MaybeUpdateBssMethodEntry ,根据 OatDexFile 的 mapping 更新这些地址。;l=315;drc=ac8d1d4155472f632356ae8e72ebe9bc68b68ff2

resolution method 一般会调用到 artQuickResolutionTrampoline

bss 未被解析的时候,AOT 代码调用的是 RuntimeMethod (即初始化填入的 resolution method),artQuickResolutionTrampoline 会根据 caller 的 dalvik 指令确定被调用方法的 index 和调用类型等信息,调用 ClassLinker::ResolveMethod 解析方法,并调用 MaybeUpdateBssMethodEntry 更新调用者所属 dexfile 的 bss;l=1283;drc=ac8d1d4155472f632356ae8e72ebe9bc68b68ff2


      0x0000: 2200 0c00                	| new-instance v0, NeverCall$Y // type@TypeIndex[12]
      0x0002: 7010 0c00 0000           	| invoke-direct {v0}, void NeverCall$Y.<init>() // method@12
      0x0005: 6e10 0b00 0000           	| invoke-virtual {v0}, void NeverCall$X.y() // method@11

      0x001a5490:       65FF1425E8010000    	       call gs:[488]  ; pAllocObjectResolved
        StackMap[1] (native_pc=0x1a5498, dex_pc=0x0, register_mask=0x0, stack_mask=0b)
      0x001a5498:                 4889C6    	       movq rsi, rax
      0x001a549b:                 4889C3    	       movq rbx, rax
      0x001a549e:         488B3D633BC200    	       movq rdi, [RIP + 0xc23b63]
      0x001a54a5:                 FF5718    	       call [rdi + 24]
        StackMap[2] (native_pc=0x1a54a8, dex_pc=0x2, register_mask=0x8, stack_mask=0b)
      0x001a54a8:                 4889DE    	       movq rsi, rbx
      0x001a54ab:                   8B3E    	       mov edi, [rsi]
      0x001a54ad:         488BBFE0000000    	       movq rdi, [rdi + 224]
      0x001a54b4:                 FF5718    	       call [rdi + 24]
        StackMap[3] (native_pc=0x1a54b7, dex_pc=0x5, register_mask=0x8, stack_mask=0b)

可以发现,ArtMethod 不再从 bss 中取得,而是从对象取得。

此处 rsi 是刚创建的对象,[rsi] 指向对象头 4 字节,也就是 art::mirror::Object 的第一个成员 HeapReference class

HeapReference 实际上就是一个四字节的地址(ART 对象地址都是 4 字节的),因此现在 rdi 就是对象的类对象的地址。

之后 movq rdi, [rdi + 224] ,也就是访问类对象某个偏移处包含的地址。art::mirror::Class 的成员声明的末尾注释写道:;l=1587;drc=cc71b0afb121d2258094e3dc909e8dd6b3eb7a52

  // The following data exist in real class objects.
  // Embedded Imtable, for class object that's not an interface, fixed size.
  // ImTableEntry embedded_imtable_[0];
  // Embedded Vtable, for class object that's not an interface, variable size.
  // VTableEntry embedded_vtable_[0];
  // Static fields, variable size.
  // uint32_t fields_[0];

可见,Class 对象除了有一些成员映射到 java 的 instance field ,还有一些数据没有被映射。这些数据包括 imtable, vtable 和静态 field 值。

因此我们猜测这个地址实际上应该是 embedded vtable 的地址

  static constexpr MemberOffset EmbeddedVTableLengthOffset() {
    return MemberOffset(sizeof(Class));

  static constexpr MemberOffset ImtPtrOffset(PointerSize pointer_size) {
    return MemberOffset(
        RoundUp(EmbeddedVTableLengthOffset().Uint32Value() + sizeof(uint32_t),

  static constexpr MemberOffset EmbeddedVTableOffset(PointerSize pointer_size) {
    return MemberOffset(
        ImtPtrOffset(pointer_size).Uint32Value() + static_cast<size_t>(pointer_size));

从上面的代码可以看到,Class 对象结构体之后紧接着就是 嵌入虚表长 EmbeddedVTableLength (uint32) ,之后是 ImtPtr 指针,之后就是 vtable 的数据。