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Releases: 116davinder/zookeeper-cluster-ansible

MTLS + SASL Support

17 Sep 20:11
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  • quorum sasl with digest md5
  • quorum sasl with digest md5 migration playbook
  • quorum mtls support
  • quorum mtls support migration playbook
  • Vagrant: Update SAN to Include IP Address of Machine + Update Truststore to Include that with IP Address as alias
  • Allow Users to override the IP Addresses in zoo.cfg with fqdn
  • docs for migration to SASL and MTLS under docs folder
  • testing with new version of ansible


  3. strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator#3149

Tested Support for Upgrade to 3.8.0

21 May 14:51
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  • Updated Vagrantfile to use Ubuntu
  • Updated Java Version to 17
  • Updated Ansible Collections
  • Added Parameter to Control Jvm Flags
  • Added Parameter to Control Prometheus Settings
  • Tested Ubuntu 18 support

Bugfix: Java Install for Amazon Linux 2

18 May 16:48
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  • Bugfix: Java Install for Amazon Linux 2
  • The instance has been upgraded to higher CPU and memory + AMD based CPU
  • Ansible Collection Update

Minor Fixes

06 May 17:02
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  • black formatter
  • zookeeper instance root block volume encryption
  • zookeeper sg to allow all traffic within SG
  • typo fix in terraform aws var file

Zookeeper 3.6.3 & 3.7.0 Support

26 Apr 17:44
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  • added support for 3.6.3 & 3.7.0 version
  • tested version upgrade from 3.6.x to 3.7.0
  • rework terraform code for aws and testing terraform code.
  • added support for newrelic integration & working dashboards
  • added OS & Network Tunning
  • added support for ansible 2.9.10 & higher ( support for collections )
  • minor updates to awsPreSetup, java, decommission, vagrantFile, customMonitoring, removed hardcoded fs type

Cloud & Java 11 and higher Support

16 Aug 19:33
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  • Added support for AWS and Oracle Cloud Deployment
  • Minor Fix for Metric Collector Script
  • Java 9 and Higher Version Support
  • Tested Terraform AWS Code
  • Added NewRelic and Splunk Dashboard Source Code
  • Added NewRelic and Splunk Dashboard Sample Images/PDFs

First Production Tested Release

19 Jul 10:44
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  • Production Tested Release ( for more than a year )
  • Custom Monitoring Solution
  • Vagrant for local testing